What’s Making Your Faucet Drip (What You Can Do About It)

Dripping or leaking faucets can be irritating and frustrating, and there’s a chance that they signify other problems are occurring with your pipes or plumbing. If your faucet drips when it’s turned off, the problem could be stemming from a number of different of issues, and you can benefit greatly from taking care of the problem as early on as possible. The leak could be being caused by corroded pipes, defective gaskets, mineral deposits, or many other problems.
If you ignore your faucet leak repairs, it will quickly change from a small problem to a major issue, so you should make the repairs a main priority. Fortunately, there are simple repairs that may not even require professional help which can be performed if the problem is taken care of quickly enough. If you’re unable to solve the problem, the professional New York City plumbers at Intercity Plumbing & Heating can take care of it promptly and professionally.
How Important Are Faucet Leak Repairs?
If you don’t have your faucet leak repaired, you’ll be wasting a tremendous amount of water in your home. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, plumbing leaks can waste up to 10,000 gallons of water per household every year. Along with leaks in toilet flappers and leaking valves, dripping faucets are among the most common leaks in homes.
If you have a leak in your New York home, fixing it could save 10% on your average water bill.
Because dripping faucets can waste such a significant amount of water, they can have a huge impact on the environment. If you don’t repair a faucet leak, you’ll be wasting your own money, as well as valuable resources.
What’s Making the Faucet Drip?
Here are a few of the most common causes of faucet leaks:
Loose Parts
Your faucet is used very frequently, so it’s easy for some of its mechanics to come loose over time. There are many moving parts onside your New York home’s faucets, and when they do come loose, it may cause leakage. You may simply need to tighten these parts, or they might need to be replaced.
Worn Out Seals
Disc faucets have inlet and outlet seals that are necessary to the way that they function, and with constant use and sediment buildup, they can become worn out over time. It’s very likely that these seals are causing your faucet to leak. Our plumbing repair specialists recommend you have the water sediments cleaned regularly to make sure your faucet is functioning properly. You also may need to replace your seals to ensure the proper functioning of your faucet.
Broken Plumbing
This is the least likely possibility, but it may that your faucet is leaking because of a broken pipe, broken fitting, or some other problem with your plumbing system. A cracked pipe, for instance, could alter the water pressure in your New York home’s plumbing system, and this could cause a faucet to leak. You may need to call our plumbers to have your plumbing system and pipes evaluated.